Hi viewer!This blog was Created on 08/03/2007.Update regularly...Keep it as your feed if you enjoyed or wished ... my yahoo and Add to google feed available or subscribe to ATOM post.so that you will get all the updated post directly to your e-mail desk.well! This blog is combination of four incredients which you know something as important.It shows you how to mix these things to make a mouth watering recipe.That is your peaceful-healthy-progressive-accoplishing life.It talks to you,it plays songs for you, it discuss with you,comments you,it giudes you,makes you aware(concious),and also seek you.So that you are not getting bored .keeps you all the way entertained.yes this blog do...! convert this blog to your favourite blog with your diamond comments for its growth.Any accomplishment requires the effort of everyone and this blog is not different. So finally invites you...
"you can achieve anything which you aspire to achieve." "you can become whatever you aspire to become". -Bhagavad Gita

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

HumanAccomplishment(Universal Law Of LIFE Part II)

Before you read this read Law Of attraction PartI
Law ofAttraction(part2):

we can not only “achieve anything we want to achieve.”

We can also “become anything we aspire to become.”

The only way to transform the negative patterns we have created and instilled in our lives is to establish an inner reorientation toward our own personal role in the creation of our destiny. This can be initiated by putting an end to focusing on what we do not want; concepts typically fueled by various fears, the unhappy past, unhealthy self-images, painful childhood memories, and destructive conditioning from childhood years. Whatever has been “done” in our life can be “undone” through a shift in our awareness. By adopting a path of inner discipline, self-knowledge, and self-search, we gain the ability to transform our lives according to our intentions.
Everything we bring into our lives we bring because of this supreme law and one of the most empowering aspects of it is that because we are responsible for creating what has shown up in our lives, we automatically retain the ability to recreate our lives into something else. At each and every moment, we are given the opportunity to shift our thoughts and redefine our circumstances and reality. Even if we do not have right at this moment what we are seeking, by focusing on and generating the feelings within ourselves of the love that surrounds us, the prosperity in our life, a state of radiant health, etc, the universe will correspond to that inner feeling and manifest that which we seek. In order to perpetuate a steady stream of positive forces in our life, it is paramount to sustain the good feelings we are having as these create the energy going out into the universe as signals, bringing back to us more of the same.
The more elevating your feelings are, the more you can attract the positive forces in our life, which cause you to feel elevated! There are times when life presents us with obstacles to feeling good yet there are proactive exercises within our very close reach which can immediately shift a feeling of powerlessness to that of heightened empowerment. For example, when you are feeling low, you can instantaneously change your mood by listening to a beautiful piece of music, by looking at an image of something inspiring or someone who evokes a happy, loving or positive feeling within you. The Law of Attraction is all around us and evidenced in our society. We will notice that a person who speaks and dwells the most on illness, experiences illness in his or her life. We will also observe that the person who speaks most of prosperity is surrounded by it.
We are the magnets, which attract our lifestyles, relationships, circumstances and opportunities. At first glance, it may seem that monitoring our millions of thoughts per day is a colossal task. There are so many thoughts coming to us from so many different directions about a seemingly infinite number of sources. Our emotions provide us with an internal guidance system, a mechanism that helps us to understand what we are thinking. Our thoughts activate feelings, which produce emotions letting us know what it is we are attracting. There are only two emotions from the human perspective; one feels good and the other feels bad. This emotional guidance system lets us know if we are on track or not.
The better we feel, the more in alignment we are. The worse we feel, the more out of alignment we are. Whatever it is we are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming. More precisely, we are manifesting that which we are “feeling” about more so than that which we are “thinking” about which is why we need to put our passion into experiencing how we want to feel RIGHT NOW so that we can magnetize more of that same sensation. If we start out having a good day and we are in that particular happy feeling, as long as we do not allow something to change our mood, by the Law of Attraction, we are going to continue to attract more situations, circumstances and people that sustain that happy feeling. The creative process is a three-step process. The first of which is to DECIDE what you want, ASK for it and in every fiber of our being, BELIEVE that you can have it. Even more effectively, ask in terms of images by visualizing what you are asking for in your mind in the PRESENT tense.
For example, picture yourself in a loving, fulfilling relationship – right now, and not in the future because the future is the unshaped unknown and will always be far away … in the future. The second step is to allow the universe to ANSWER to what it is that you are asking. If we are willing to step aside, the universe will do this for us by rearranging itself to respond to the thought that we have set in motion. The third step is to be genuinely ready and willing to RECEIVE by bringing yourself into alignment with what you are asking.
How long it takes depends on how in alignment with the universe you are. We will know that we are on the right track when the events in our life bring us joy and aliveness. We do not need to know how the universe is going to manifest for us in the same way that we do not need to create oxygen just to be able to breathe it. Our living universe is proof that we are able to rely on a form of intelligence other than our own. Jack Canfield, best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul explains: “Most of us have never allowed ourselves to want what we truly want because we can’t see how it’s going to manifest.” Whatever our circumstances right now, that is only our current reality. Sometimes it feels like we are stuck because we continue to think the same thoughts over and over again and so we tend to get the same results over and over again. The reason is because most people tend to offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing at any given time.
If we are putting our attention on “what is” for example, a huge pile of overdue bills in the mail, the Law of Attraction gives you more of it. In order to create a shift in where we put our attention, we must find a way to approach our current state of affairs from a different vantage point. Shifting one’s energy is a very powerful process. There are two highly proven ways to engender transformative conditions in our life. The first is to focus on GRATITUDE. We should choose to feel gratitude for what we already have in our life right now.
Do not focus on what we don’t have and what the problems are. By putting our attention on what we are grateful for right now, we begin to attract more things to be grateful for! Gratitude and appreciation pull things in and attract cosmic support. Obsessing about what is missing in our life actually causes us to channel our energy into missing even more! VISUALIZATION is the technique of making things as real as possible in our mind.
By using this technique, we conjure up as real a feeling as possible because it is the feeling and inner seeing that creates the attraction. And the feeling and inner seeing is the open gateway through which the power of the universe will begin to express. We should live the experience in our mind as if it has already manifested. It is critical to always and only dwell upon the END RESULT of what we want and rest assured, the universe always knows the shortest, most expedient and the most harmonious way between us and our dream.
Buddha said: “All that we are, is the result of what we have thought.” When we begin to guide our thoughts based on the way they make us feel, we begin to notice the correlation between what we are feeling and thinking and what is coming into our life. This is when we can exult in the knowledge that it is we who are both the creator and also the visionary of our own reality.

This was Source was the Article written by Michele Faro, “Mastering your Reality: Law of Attraction”, Consecration Magazine, March 2007, www.lordkrishna.net .One of the Best Magazine ,which do research till the deep root come in and even deep .If you regularly read the magazine you see the reversal of your life.

For more info and deep analysis on this topic http://humanscience.wikia.com/wiki/Law_of_Attraction"

"You can invest any amount without any bother in two

things learning(Education) and for your health"

-Vimalathithan(this blog author)

Human Accomplishment(Universal Law Of Life Part I)

The Law ofAttraction(PART 1):
"Human Beings are capable of whatever they want"

Every human being at some point of life contemplates what or who governs the state of his existence on earth. We can’t help but compare our lifestyles, achievements and emotional outlook to that of others.
What we all yearn for is a sense of self-navigation for the purpose of creating a finer and more enhanced life experience. This can apply to the attainment of any one of our individual desires and includes but is not limited to: the manifestation of our personal goals and prosperity in all of its many forms, fulfilling relationships, spiritual ascension, optimum health and access to the unquestionable reservoir of joy inherent in life itself.

There exist natural laws in our universe which operate with precision and whether we are aware of them or not, these laws profoundly affect our lives. One such law, which we irrefutably accept is the Law of Gravity. Another, which has taken quite a bit of time to reach the mass populous, is the Law of Attraction. By activating our awareness while interacting with this law, simply by living our lives and thinking our thoughts, we witness brilliant and outstanding qualities of an intrinsic nature within the inescapable Law of Attraction.

We notice that this Law is: (1) structured specifically for the operative human mind; and (2) is designed with unequivocal accuracy in correspondence to the manner and degree to which it is used. As one of the most powerful truths of creation, the Law of Attraction says that: “like attracts like”. Further distillation of this concept reveals that: “thoughts become things”. In other words, “you become what you think about most” and “you attract what you think about most.”

As the human race, we are all working with one infinite power and guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. Everything that shows up in our lives, we are drawing into our lives simply by the images we retain in our minds and through our feelings, which design our own personal energy fields. This is so because the mind is a field of energy and information, which establishes the foundation to understand how every idea and everything in the physical world is also comprised of energy and information.

The universe is a huge reflection of yourself in your own consciousness and wherever you go, you are broadcasting who you are at this very intimate level. Science has shown us that every thought has a frequency and by putting your attention on any one thought, and by also imagining what that thought would look like as an image, you are emitting and enabling that frequency on a consistent basis. That very thought you are focusing on can be about anything: a new car, a soul mate, increased financial wealth, the building of a corporate empire, and whatever else you can create in your mind.

Have you ever noticed how on certain days you awaken in the morning with a positive attitude generated by the rejuvenating feeling of a good night’s sleep imparting a natural or even heightened sense of well being. You then progress through your day with the experience of a harmonious flow and satisfying productivity whereby everyone you encounter seems bright, friendly, and receptive toward you? This scenario is the Law of Attraction in motion. This boundless field of intelligence is everywhere manifesting itself in everything.

Every human being erects the world in which he or she lives and everything and everyone that manifests in your life is an expression of where your awareness has been, what your thoughts have been, and what you have been putting your attention on. Whatever it is that you put your attention on, grows and expands and whatever is going on in your mind, you are drawing into your life and energy field simply by virtue of the images you are holding in your mind and more specifically, the feelings which those images evoke within you. Your thoughts send out a symbol, which draws what we term a “reflection-like” parallel back to you so that if you see to yourself living in abundance, you will attract it. Conversely, see yourself living in lack and loneliness and this too will be what manifests in your physical surroundings.

Dating back to ancient civilizations, the Law of Attraction has been a universal truth known and understood by only a small proportion of society and historical luminaries. Perhaps this is why even today, only 20 per cent of the population reaps approximately 80 per cent of all of the money that is being earned. People who understand the true nature of reality are those whom some traditions refer to as “enlightened.” The first step to living this way is to understand the nature of the creative process. We discover that by applying attention and intention to our thoughts, we can create specific outcomes in our lives and that every act, attitude, and feeling has its form; all of which represent the natural outcome of what a person will manifest in their life. Building your life with intention is a direct result of understanding and of corresponding decision.

When we learn to live from this level of understanding we become aware of the self made patterns and rhythms that govern all of life whether they are on a conscious or unconscious level. The Law of Attraction is automatic and impersonal. It does not care whether you perceive something to be good or bad; whether you don’t want or do want that particular thing. When you are passionate about something that you want, you are activating a thought and the Law of Attraction is responding to that thought and bringing you the things and conditions that match your thoughts and feelings. The very same principle applies to being passionate about something that you DON’T want. By sustaining a very negative reaction to this thing that you don’t want, you are actually not pushing it away. In fact, you are dedicating ample focus and attention to this negative thought in your mind and empowering it in the very same way you empowered the positive thought. Instead of pushing it away, you activate the very thought of what you do not want.

A common example of this would be looking at a mountain of debt and feeling despair about it. That is the signal you are putting out into the universe and the universe will respond back to you with more of the same. As a matter of fact, when you focus on something with amplified passion, it manifests even faster whether it is something desirable or undesirable. The challenge of transforming our lives lies in the fact that most people put their attention on what it is they don’t want and they wonder why it shows up over and over again. Creation is always taking place. Whenever someone is having an extended or repetitive thought, something is sure to manifest out of those thoughts.

The Law of Attraction says: “We will give you whatever it is you focus on.” So if you focus or complain about how bad things are, then you are perpetuating that very same condition. If we are very positive in our outlook and orientation, we tend to attract positive, supportive people, relationships and events into our lives. However if we are very angry in our orientation, we tend to attract negative, angry people, and negative, angry circumstances. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to keep in the forefront of our mind that we end up attracting to us the predominant thought that we hold in our awareness.

Most of us attract by default. We think we do not have any control over what manifests in our lives and that everything is dispensed to us as predetermined destiny of which we have no choice or say in. Yet everything that surrounds us in our life right now, including all of the things we are complaining about, we have attracted. This, for most people is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp, but once we have accepted it, it is life altering.

Rest of the course in part2:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Power Of IMAGINATION(Selfemployment)

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
- Buddha
The story of how Fred Smith created Federal Express and grew it to become a Fortune 500 company in record time confirms this view. Smith started out with both a clear idea and a clear plan for how to achieve it. While doing his MBA, he conceived of the idea of establishing a courier business that would deliver packages across the USA overnight in comparison to the three to five day delivery offered by UPS and the US Postal Service. His strategy was to establish a hub system at Memphis so that flights coming from all major cities could reach the hub before 2 am, unload their parcels for resorting, reload with items bound for their return destination and land back home early morning in time for delivery during the day. His objective and his strategy were inseparable aspects of the plan he executed and the results he achieved.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Constant Aspiration towards progress:

For man's nature,especially his mental nature,has a spontaneous tendency to give favourable explanation for everything he thinks,feels,says and does.It is is only only by observing these movements with great care,by bringing them them,as it were,before the tribunal of our highest ideal,with a sincere will to submit ito its judgement, that we can hope to form in ourselfs adicernment that never errs.For if we truly want to progress and aquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being,that is to say what we are truly created for,what we can call our mission upon earth,then we we must ,in a very regular and constant mission ,reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts to the truth of our existence,whatever is opposed to it.In this way,little by little,all the parts,all the elements of our being can be organisedinto a homogeniuos whole around psychic centre.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Personal Value Power

A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. Values can range from the commonplace, such as the belief in hard work and punctuality, to the more psychological, such as self-reliance, concern for others, and harmony of purpose.

When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them, propelling them to the top of their fields. For example, one actor was motivated by his commitment to social justice, which led to important acting roles related to that value that made him world famous. Likewise, a well-known business CEO was motivated by the personal value that technology should be easy to use, which caused his company to spawn a technology revolution. Whatever one's values, when we take them to heart and implement them in the smallest details of our lives, great accomplishment and success are sure to follow.
Just as individuals subscribe to values, so do organizations and institutions. In fact, if we were to examine any company, we would discover that one or more business values was the key to their success.

Examples are --
-- Sears' commitment to trusting the customer. [From the 19th century onward, any product could be returned to the company with a money back guarantee, which engendered great trust in both directions, enabling booming sales, and, the great success for the firm that followed.]-- Apple Computer's belief in the values of solving problems of society. [The company created the IPod player and ITunes online music store to overcome a conflict between those who sought to download copyrighted music for free and the music industry which sought to protect its artists and its revenues.] -- Marriott's values of systemization and standardization. [The company created a standard model hotel, and then duplicated it hundreds of time around the world, enabling it to grow incredibly fast, and become the leader of its industry.]

Likewise, we see how political parities and politicians subscribe to certain core values -- ranging from helping the poor, easing the burden of the middle class, improving the environment, making government responsive and efficient, engendering loyalty and unity, and so forth.
The key point to keep in mind about values is that implementing them energizes everything concerned with it. For an individual, committing to and applying values releases fresh energies, which always attract success, achievement, and well-being. Likewise, when companies or other institutions adopt values, individuals working at the organization become energized, as do its customers, its products and services, and everyone and everything else associated with that organization.

We can energize our lives by making the full effort to implement the values we subscribe to. Once we identify values that are meaningful to us, we can develop strategies to implement them. When we make the determined effort to implement those strategies, good fortune it sure to follow -- in the form of new opportunities, new sources of revenue and income, and other forms of material and psychological benefit. We may even notice that as we implement values, we experiences instances of "life response" -- where good fortune suddenly comes to us from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal perceptions of what is logical and possible.
Below is a list of important personal values culled from years of observing individual success.
Common personal values

Accomplishment, Success Accountability Accuracy Adventure All for one & one for all Beauty Calm, quietude, peace Challenge Change Cleanliness, orderliness Collaboration Commitment Communication Community Competence Competition Concern for others Content over form Continuous improvement Cooperation Coordination Country, love of (patriotism) Creativity Customer satisfaction Decisiveness Delight of being, joy mocracy Discipline Discovery Ease of Use Efficiency Equality Excellence Fairness Faith Family Family feeling Flair Freedom Friendship Fun Global view Good will Goodness Gratitude Hard work Harmony Honesty Honor ndependence Inner peace, calm, quietude Innovation Integrity Justice Knowledge Leadership Love, Romance Loyalty Maximum utilization (of time, resources) Meaning Merit Money Openness Peace, Non-violence Perfection (e.g. of details) Personal Growth Pleasure Positive attitude Power Practicality Preservation Privacy Problem Solving Progress Prosperity, Wealth Punctuality Quality of work Regularity Resourcefulness Respect for others Responsiveness Results-oriented Rule of Law Safety Satisfying others Security Self-givingness Self-reliance Service (to others, society) Simplicity Skill Speed Spirit in life (using) Stability Standardization Status StrengthSucceed; A will to-Success, Achievement Systemization Teamwork Timeliness Tolerance Tradition Tranquility Trust Truth Unity Variety Wisdom

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Life Responses Are Many!

A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. Values can range from the commonplace, such as the belief in hard work and punctuality, to the more psychological, such as self-reliance, concern for others, and harmony of purpose.
When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them, propelling them to the top of their fields. For example, one actor was motivated by his commitment to social justice, which led to important acting roles related to that value that made him world famous. Likewise, a well-known business CEO was motivated by the personal value that technology should be easy to use, which caused his company to spawn a technology revolution. Whatever one's values, when we take them to heart and implement them in the smallest details of our lives, great accomplishment and success are sure to follow.
Just as individuals subscribe to values, so do organizations and institutions. In fact, if we were to examine any company, we would discover that one or more business values was the key to their success. Examples are --
-- Sears' commitment to trusting the customer. [From the 19th century onward, any product could be returned to the company with a money back guarantee, which engendered great trust in both directions, enabling booming sales, and, the great success for the firm that followed.]-- Apple Computer's belief in the values of solving problems of society. [The company created the IPod player and ITunes online music store to overcome a conflict between those who sought to download copyrighted music for free and the music industry which sought to protect its artists and its revenues.] -- Marriott's values of systemization and standardization. [The company created a standard model hotel, and then duplicated it hundreds of time around the world, enabling it to grow incredibly fast, and become the leader of its industry.]
Likewise, we see how political parities and politicians subscribe to certain core values -- ranging from helping the poor, easing the burden of the middle class, improving the environment, making government responsive and efficient, engendering loyalty and unity, and so forth.
The key point to keep in mind about values is that implementing them energizes everything concerned with it. For an individual, committing to and applying values releases fresh energies, which always attract success, achievement, and well-being. Likewise, when companies or other institutions adopt values, individuals working at the organization become energized, as do its customers, its products and services, and everyone and everything else associated with that organization.
We can energize our lives by making the full effort to implement the values we subscribe to. Once we identify values that are meaningful to us, we can develop strategies to implement them. When we make the determined effort to implement those strategies, good fortune it sure to follow -- in the form of new opportunities, new sources of revenue and income, and other forms of material and psychological benefit. We may even notice that as we implement values, we experiences instances of "life response" -- where good fortune suddenly comes to us from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal perceptions of what is logical and possible.
Below is a list of important personal values culled from years of observing individual success

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Science Of Living Towards Perfection!(Education)

To know oneself and Control Oneself:
"Men die that man may live and God be Born"

"An aimless Life is a miserable Life"

Everyone should have aim.But don't forget at any time that your quality of your aim will purely depend the quality of your Life .Simply your quality of your aim reflects your life quality.

"There is no other victory than that of controlling Oneself"

Your aim should be wide and generous,disinterested;this will make your life precious to yourself to feel good and surrounding also happy.

But whatever you ideal,it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself .Can we say " Practice makes man perfect ... patient makes man invent..."

Note the word perfection!
To work for perfection ...
First step #1 Is to become conscious of yourself.Yourself is the combination of your different parts of your being and their respective activities.Part of your being means soul-mind-body-vital which is main domain. You should watch what is happening in these things Carefully ... very carefully...

Moreover! What to do? How to make yourself perfect ? These are all the question.

Parts implies your head, brain,brain neurons,body cells,eye organ(What you see?),ear(What you here?),nose(smell?),body sense organ(touch?),Harmon's,every activity you do ...
"Macro consist of micro" Small cells are the building blocks the body? Do you accept it? So you have to make perfect all this micro cells.

"Education makes MAN complete"

"Knowledge(information) is wealth"

Stop1! Give Break to your thought.Think!Wait Gently analyse the message.Can you understand it? or What are level of understanding? give mark to yourself.

Well!Nicely Done.Read Further...

You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another.So that you may become closely aware of the origin of the movement that occur in you. What is aware?
"Knowing something new which is you unknown earlier" which may cause higher penalty of Death(extreme) .You image What are the other level could be in between? failure,etc..

Eg. we know Electric Current is danger.Be Conscious in all other activities, also that way helps you in your rapid progress journey.

The many impulses,reaction, and conflicting wills that drive you in action.Here important character comes into play.

It is an assiduous study that requires much... much... perseverance and sincerity.The Genius of child is within everyone of us ". We are living in Taste of Ignorance". No Wonder! As the technology becomes rapid our patient too especially When we are in Online.Be Like Tortoise !
"Slow and steady wins the Race"
"Key is Perseverance and sincerity"

This is Introduction to Science of Living (To know oneself and control oneself) course(Totally FOUR part) Rest we see in Fourth coming article.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Merchant had Four Wives!(spirirual)

"To discover and realise the immortal lifein a body subject to death and constant mutation this is offered to us as the manifestation of god and in matter and goal of nature in her terrestrial evolution"
There was a rich merchant who had four wives. The forth wife was his favourite.He loved her the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies.He took Great care of her and always gifted her the things tht he could afford.

Healso loved the third wife very much.He was very peoud of her and always wanted to show her off to his friends.However, the always feared that, she might run away with someother man.

He also loved his second wife.She was a very considerate person,always patient and in fact has been the merchants confidente.Whenever the merchant faced any problem,he always turnedto his second wife and she would alwayshelp him out to tide through difficult times.

However,the merchant did not love first wife.Rhough she loved him deeply,he hardly took notice of her.He always treated her like a slave and showed much displeasure with her.Despite all these,the merchant's first wife was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions towards maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household.

One day,the merchant fell ill.His conditioned worsened by the day and he knew that he was going to die soon.He thought of the luxuries life that he had lived and told himself,"Now I have four wives with me.But when I die,I'll be alone and I willthen feel very lonely.Therefore let me ask my wives to accompanyme to the other world so that I shall have them with me after my death."

So he called his fourth Wife,who was his favourite,and said,"Iloved you the most,endowed you with the finest clothing and showered all my affections on you.Now that I'm dying ,will you follow me and keep me company ?"

He expected her to say yes.But she answered,my dear husband,I know you always loved me .But now since you are going to die,it is time for us to separate and go ou own way,So it is time for me to bid you goodbye."

The answer cut like a sharp Knife right into the merchant's heart.The sad merchant then asked the third wife,"I have loved you so much all my life.Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?""No!" replied the third wife."You always held on to me with your ego centered selfishness.Moreover,life is so good to here! So after you die I'm going to remarry and happily with my next husband!"She added.

The merchant's heart sank and turned and turned cold. He therefore called his second wife and asked her,"I always turned to you for a help and you've always helped me out.Now I need your help again.When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?"

I'm sorry,can't help you out this time !"replied the second wife.At the most,I shall take care of funeral and other formalities after your death."

The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant devastated.

But then a voice called out,"My dear husband.Please don't worry. I shall always give you company.Whatever happens, I determined to be with you forever.I cannot be separated from you.So I'll follow you no matter where you go."

The merchant looked up and to his amazement it was his first wife reassuring him.She was skinny and looked like she was suffering from malnutrition. Greatly grieved,the merchant said,'I should have taken better care of you while I was capable of doing So!"

Conclusion of This STORY:
Like this merchant we all (every man and women) have four wives or husbands.What do these wives/husbands signify ?
The Fourth Wife:
The Fourth Wife is our body.No matter how much time,effort and resources we lavish on the body to make it look good and to keep it in fine fettle,it will definitely leave us When we die.Unfortunately it cannot follow us to next World.

The Third Wife:
Our third wife?The third wife stands for our fortune,material possesions,Wealth,status,and job that we worked so hard to attain.When we die ,they all go to others.

The Second Wife:
What is meant by the second wife ?The second wife is our family,relatives and friends.No matter how close they are to us ,the farthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.At the most they will fullfill all the Post death formalities and ensure a decent burial or funeral after we are dead.

The First Wife:
The first wife is our soul,which most of us often neglect in our pursuit of material Wealth and sensual Pleasures.But it is the only thing that follows us Wherever we go .And it gives us company even after our death.Therefore it and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we are on our deathbed to realise its importance.Because by it would be a bit too late.

The moral of this story is that we often erroneously focus on our body, material possesions and relationship when we should be focusing our energy and attention on nurturing our soul by striving for spiritual growth.

A neglected soul or spiritual life like a garden that is unattended to.It grows weeds and creates lots of problem in our lives.On the other hand if we focus on cultivating our spirit,then all the other things will perfectly fall in place.The body will be healthy and strong,abundance will flow into our lives and we will have good healthy relationship with everyone else.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Truth,Love,Opportunity,Guidence "ALL IN ONE Poem"

Today article was dedicated by Mr.Pranav Who is doing MBA and my philosophical Friend also who follows "Truth and Light"
"Where man ends,Their God begins"
"thorns on the left side
rattlers on the right
little space to walk in the light

but try to find the balance
try and you'll find a way
nothin is impossible
hold on just a little more

see the door is up in front of you
within is loves delight
enter the truth
forever live in light

see the past behind you
wasn't so bad after all
ascending higher
to the realm
of love consciousness
rise above it all

and the smiles are now within you
deep inside your heart
love is all around you
don't look back
you have a new start "

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Opportunities Are Like a Air in the Atmospere in the Form of Online and Offline!(Entrepreneur)

" The Impulse form of matter or the impulse towards mind
which she planted in certain forms of life(quote to remember)"
Opportunities are under our feet!Self Employment -Allowing yourself to work for you and helps you to evolve out of you.Earth and Space plays vital role in today's busy world.
Older Pendulum says
"There is plenty of time ...
There is plenty of time ...
There is plenty of time ..."
contradictorily Modern day pendulum says
Time to get busy... /There is no time...
Time to get busy... /There is no time...
Time to get busy... /There is no time...
Yes! Time is a precious commodity in our earth as long as the power of Money and Trading stays.In single Word purchasing power .
"Slow and Study Wins the race..."
Patience is Most important.Modern Day people's are too impatient !T hey want to achieve everything within a NIGHT .This is where Mistakes comes into existence.
Read What Tortoise teaches you .
Moreover opportunities are like air in the atmosphere .It is above your head, its below your feet ,its back to you,its in front of you,its around you,its seeks you... Finally we won't see it!
Formula is " You should not miss any single opportunity which comes to you " If you carefully see your surroundings and acted according to that means you will succeed.(stay here try to find out the concept given here 'problem and opportunity')
If you miss that what will happen ? Again it seeks you in the form of problem Where you have apply your own effort and energy to find out the opportunity which is hidden inside the problem.
"Silence is the solution for all the problem"
Long ago And Now:
Before 1950's,there is a only one chance yo do business (ENTREPRENEUR) that is in real world.Today Technology replaced that barrier by introducing computer with WWW .We still don't realise Opportunity of this Gift.We know something about it and many of us don't know the role play played by computer and the Money generated by it.
Famous E-preneur says
"I Know Billions of Money spend over the Internet ,
I don't want all of it ,I want to be a part of it"
Then What is your philosophy?
Self-employment(Entrepreneurship) can be achieved in two ways :
2.OFFLINE(Real World)
Today we are going talk about Online story as we are sitting and reading this article.There are Tons of information are available irrespective of all the fields.
Secret is people Need
Information... Information... Information...
Every one knows something irrespective of age,education,..
Point Is you too know something! Convert that knowledge into Rich Readable Content.
That is the power of Online.
For that you need guidance to success over online Ethical Guidance .Internet is consider as exceptional ... It provides millions of Opportunity as well as millions millions of thread and hackers!
So you Need to seek SOMEONE guidance...
GO to http://www.seekluck.com/ .Author is Ken GOLD. He will give Genuine,reasonable,achievable advice to achieve Online as well as Offline HOW to turn your hobby into how to make money(income)?. Note:Honestly! I will not get paid by referring you to him.See you with some other new strategy next time . Keep an eye! over this blog. It cost you 5 minutes and the fees you are going pay for that time... Good Luck!

Human Fate InThis Divine EARTH!(Spirtuality Poem)

"If life that Wonders seekin for its aim
In the pale strliht telling from thoughts skies"
And truth and freedom inthe growing soul
Our LIFE was born in pain and with cry
Although earth marvel welcomes the heaven's breath
Insiring Matter with will to live,Our bodies are engine cunningly made,
But for all its parts as cunningare planned
contrieved ingeniously with demon skill,
Its Apt enevitable heritage
Of mortal danger and peculiar pain,
Its payment of the tax of Time and fate.
Its way to suffer was its wsasy to die
This is the ransom of high estate.
The sign and stamp are our humanity
A grisley companyof maladies
come, licensed lodgers,into man's bodyhoise,
Purveyors of death and torture of life
In the malingnant hollows of the world,
In its subconconcient caavern passage
Anbushed they lie waiting the hour
surruonding with danger of leap,thesieged city if life.
Admitted into the citadel of man's days
They mine his fore and amn or suddenly kill
Ourself within us lethal fores nurse;
We make of our enemies our guest
out of their holes like beasts they creap and grow
The chords of the divine muscians lure
Till trayed and thin the music dies away
or crashing snaps with a last tragic note
All that we strive to be alters like a dream
In the grey step of human things
a treasure missspent or cheaply,fruitlessly sold
In the bazaar of a blind destiny,
A gift of priceless value from time's gods
Lost or mislead in an uncaring world,
Life is a marvel missed an art gone way ;
A seeker in dark and obscure place,
An ill armed warrior facing dreadful odds
An imperfect worker given a baffling task,
An Ignorance judge of problems Ignorance made ,
It's heaven word flights reach closed and layless gates,
It's glorious outbursts prefer out in mire
On nature's gift to man a curse was laid.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

We Shall overcome...this special blogs sings!(aspire)

She is the first in the eternal succession of the Dawns that are coming,Usha widens
bringing out that which lives awakening someone who was Dead.
-kusta Angirasu-Rig Veda
This song gives aspiration when composed in Music as well sing with dedication.

We Shall over come...
We shall over come...
We shall ove.....r com...e....

For DEEP in my Heart ! I do believe .....
We shall Over come someday day!

We are not afraid...
We are not afraid...
We are no....t(high pitch) afraid...
For DEEP in My Heart !
I do believe We shall over come some day!(slowly closing your eyes sing the song deeply)

We Shall over come...
We shall over come...
We shall ove.....r com...e....

For DEEP in my Heart ! I do believe .....
We shall Over come someday day!

We are not afraid...
We are not afraid...
We are no....t(high pitch) afraid...
For DEEP in My Heart !
I do believe We shall over come some day!(slowly closing your eyes sing the song deeply)
This my school Poem Which gave motivational thought to pursue...
Now I say thanks to you ... Now retrieve that poem for you and for me for those many days preserved in my memory.
"Small activity brings tons of rewards
small mistakes yield tons of continuous failure"

You Are Qualified for Self-Employment(ENTREPRENEUR)!

"Thy acts are thy Helper,all events ae signs "(understand it!Memorise it ! use it )
Take every happening in right attitude

Everyone are Unique intheir own way.There is no other compensation for his uniqueness.It's your Soul Duty to find out that Diamond in you.You are created created by nature. So he himself is a part of nature. You have everything in you .Stand in your own thouhts and your smart work (hard work +intelligent).
"All in ONE and ONE in A ll"
Remember that! you have to work for you for your growth, in another sense you have to work for your creator i.e Nature.
Devote Your Golden time ,your invaluable creativity,your hardwork.Keep this thought always in your mind even though you are employed.
" Even though you are worst think that you are the Best
your thought will bring you the Best in you"
Don't have a second thought of woking for others.You have to use your potential for your Growth and for your humanity Growth.
"Let him to multiply his own time
Let not his time to multiply other time other's
by employing yourself"
Bombard your creativity... Brainstorm your Mind... Work for you...
Even You earn Re.1 or $1.No Bother .
I hope you read the Foot ball is your life if not read here Know Life purpose .

Impotant of saying Self-Employment is to complete your duty in this earth. Remember the Foot Ball goal post.It can only done done by starting your Own venture If you choose Life.We are not Yogi but e have to fullfill our assigned job.We have life family we have to evolve also.Evolution of human in life Endeavour start with self employment.No matter WHAT you are ? Even though You are a ZERO.This is possible! This blog will give you all the neccessary thing,ideas,invite other authors to write article.

"Eventhuogh you know 30% do that 100%"

After the detailed and determined, carefull study . This blog comes in to existance!
This blog web address and description itself defined everything what is going to be inside?
We see some more interesting thing... which have already palnned

"Infinite Emerges from the finite"
If you succeed in your venture journey
you are a real "Yogi"
"Human being=Entrepreneur=yogi=goal post"
Did you understand this eaquation?certainly ? Am I right?

Friday, March 9, 2007

Purpose of Human Life?(Education)how?

"Each year a mile upon a heavenly way"(remember for your progress)
Full purpose of human life all about that is in the individual man and help himself to enter into the right relation with the life,mind and soul of him odf which he himself is a unit and his people and is the combination of nation . If the single unit is not good then the whole nation will be? get
eg,1. if one through waste paper in the public others do the same... then what is result? you know
2.If any one quite job and giving statement "I am my own Boss?" others too copy...

Do you know? "children first learns to copy"

"With just a little education and practice on how to manage your emotions, you can move into a new experience of life so rewarding that you will be motivated to keep on managing your emotional nature in order to sustain it. The payoff is delicious in terms of improved quality of life."
-Doc Childre

Education reflects his attitude,his character,his personality,values,truthful,courageous,generous,his behaviour....

Remember ,
"your single action can shake the world"(red for remember!Use this tool)
Your nation and this whole earth depends on your whole activity.
How important you are ? and me? how worth you are? really...
It's time to realise our true potential.
"A casket void dropped on a careless soil;
A choice less rare may call a happier fate"('R ' for remember)

"An Aimless Life is always a miserable Life"
Everyone of you should have an Aim. But do not forget that
"On the quality of your Aim will depend the Quality of your Life"(quality)

Your Aim should be h-i-g-h and w-i-d-e(read letter by letter),generous,and disintersted :this will make your Life precious to yourself and others.
But whatever your ideal it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself" Hold! (conentrate! find what is the message for you?)

"There is no other victory than that of controlling onself"(message for you)

I attended "National Economic Planning"(MBA,IIPM)
Our STAFF gave wonderful lecture ...

Emotional message for us ...
work hard ' everyone in your place looking for you how you are going to by....
your parents who invested money for you(borrowing from someone or ...) Our surroudings
Your loved ones , friends... I feel deep rooted gratitude towards his speech!

Now you come to know about the Purspose
well!Rest message! finally how to work for your perfection...? look for it (keep all these in your e-mail desk!) Add to my google or my yahoo or subscribe it by feed . It reduce your time no need to open evey time.

How Harmony can Strong our Health?

"It's bid thee strength thy underliying spirit"
Each individual taken as evolvin soul ,in an evolving earth.Each individual carries within itself different levels body(physical),the emotion and energy(vital) and mind.

Health will be stronged when harmony at all these levels are maintained.
Disequillibrium brings disease.

Our body is as complicated as universe and it has it own uniqueness especially Human body.
Principle is our body is the intrument of darkness.Don't give up your hope!
At the same it has the ability to achieve any it like .This opportunity not given to any other living being.

Generally 1 out of 1000 disease need treatment for which we need treatment . Rest are all not aceppted as diseases even though when the mind start to aquire Fear-conflicts-osscillation-doubts are the core entrance for the desease to our body.This can be stopped by becoming a concious being.Imagination of Light in your body where the disease cause can cure the rest of the deseases.
"Each dawn open into a larger light"
As well, You must know the importance of the your presence in this universe ?
or awareness will reveal you to open your closed ingnorant eye.

"Rediscovering our deeper selfs
health as harmony and the discovery of the psychic"
-soul principle
How many days we say excuses to ourself by not taking food in the morning during the rush hour to our office,school,etc...

An illness of the body is always the outer expression and translation of a disorder .In other side this not acceptable thing taken into a good way.Disharmony in the inner being allow illness at the same time it ives a chance to progress to find the lackness of our own concious "Can we say that as Ignorance"
" Keep your H-E-A-L-T-H fit or find your I-G-N-O-R-A-N-C-E"
We see some more interesting topics. Steps to take care of our Health and this blog has message for you it would like to sing a song for you silently and say something about this blog author (very interesting)...
look for it !

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Our Life in this earth is a SPORTS!!!(Spiritual)

"Our joys are perfume in a brittle vase"
Our human life is an hour and half hour foot ball game which has the area of 100*60 metre.
This simple ball can make you to see both the heaven and hell.Soccer field represents universe.The period of game nothing but your life.Rules of soccer are the limitationsthat you must content within your journey to achieve your aim.
"Death grip can break our bodies not our soul"
Opponents are obstacles that you have to overcome to reach that goal.The Referee represents your conscience(moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions ).The ball is your soul & it motion your tickle nature(touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements ).The better you control it,the easier it is to reach the goal.The goal post represent almighty with whom your soul, the ball,craves(intense desire) to connect.GOAL you score is nothing but salvation(penalty of sin) of your soul.How many goals are you going to score ?
" In our world where Truth is not,light not nor god?"
Each and every minute ,every sequence has its own subtlity(operating in a hidden) starts from brushing,bathing, school, cooking,job,playing,accomplishment,accident,opportunity,fall in human love,poer off,economic inflation,terrorist attack... Finally man was covered by Karma(depends on our past action(sin and GOOD) ) that reflects in our future.We say it fate.Hey! hold on...that is not an end. Problem has solution! Am I right?
say it your yourself ....( memories red text and use the tool to overcome obstacle)
"I am s-t-r-o-n-g-e-r than death and g-r-e-a-t-e-r than my fate "

Rest we see it in upcoming article...

Earn Money With your Ideas Without Investing with your persistance