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Monday, March 19, 2007

The Science Of Living Towards Perfection!(Education)

To know oneself and Control Oneself:
"Men die that man may live and God be Born"

"An aimless Life is a miserable Life"

Everyone should have aim.But don't forget at any time that your quality of your aim will purely depend the quality of your Life .Simply your quality of your aim reflects your life quality.

"There is no other victory than that of controlling Oneself"

Your aim should be wide and generous,disinterested;this will make your life precious to yourself to feel good and surrounding also happy.

But whatever you ideal,it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself .Can we say " Practice makes man perfect ... patient makes man invent..."

Note the word perfection!
To work for perfection ...
First step #1 Is to become conscious of yourself.Yourself is the combination of your different parts of your being and their respective activities.Part of your being means soul-mind-body-vital which is main domain. You should watch what is happening in these things Carefully ... very carefully...

Moreover! What to do? How to make yourself perfect ? These are all the question.

Parts implies your head, brain,brain neurons,body cells,eye organ(What you see?),ear(What you here?),nose(smell?),body sense organ(touch?),Harmon's,every activity you do ...
"Macro consist of micro" Small cells are the building blocks the body? Do you accept it? So you have to make perfect all this micro cells.

"Education makes MAN complete"

"Knowledge(information) is wealth"

Stop1! Give Break to your thought.Think!Wait Gently analyse the message.Can you understand it? or What are level of understanding? give mark to yourself.

Well!Nicely Done.Read Further...

You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another.So that you may become closely aware of the origin of the movement that occur in you. What is aware?
"Knowing something new which is you unknown earlier" which may cause higher penalty of Death(extreme) .You image What are the other level could be in between? failure,etc..

Eg. we know Electric Current is danger.Be Conscious in all other activities, also that way helps you in your rapid progress journey.

The many impulses,reaction, and conflicting wills that drive you in action.Here important character comes into play.

It is an assiduous study that requires much... much... perseverance and sincerity.The Genius of child is within everyone of us ". We are living in Taste of Ignorance". No Wonder! As the technology becomes rapid our patient too especially When we are in Online.Be Like Tortoise !
"Slow and steady wins the Race"
"Key is Perseverance and sincerity"

This is Introduction to Science of Living (To know oneself and control oneself) course(Totally FOUR part) Rest we see in Fourth coming article.

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