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"you can achieve anything which you aspire to achieve." "you can become whatever you aspire to become". -Bhagavad Gita

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Power Of IMAGINATION(Selfemployment)

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
- Buddha
The story of how Fred Smith created Federal Express and grew it to become a Fortune 500 company in record time confirms this view. Smith started out with both a clear idea and a clear plan for how to achieve it. While doing his MBA, he conceived of the idea of establishing a courier business that would deliver packages across the USA overnight in comparison to the three to five day delivery offered by UPS and the US Postal Service. His strategy was to establish a hub system at Memphis so that flights coming from all major cities could reach the hub before 2 am, unload their parcels for resorting, reload with items bound for their return destination and land back home early morning in time for delivery during the day. His objective and his strategy were inseparable aspects of the plan he executed and the results he achieved.

Earn Money With your Ideas Without Investing with your persistance