Hi viewer!This blog was Created on 08/03/2007.Update regularly...Keep it as your feed if you enjoyed or wished ... my yahoo and Add to google feed available or subscribe to ATOM post.so that you will get all the updated post directly to your e-mail desk.well! This blog is combination of four incredients which you know something as important.It shows you how to mix these things to make a mouth watering recipe.That is your peaceful-healthy-progressive-accoplishing life.It talks to you,it plays songs for you, it discuss with you,comments you,it giudes you,makes you aware(concious),and also seek you.So that you are not getting bored .keeps you all the way entertained.yes this blog do...! convert this blog to your favourite blog with your diamond comments for its growth.Any accomplishment requires the effort of everyone and this blog is not different. So finally invites you...
"you can achieve anything which you aspire to achieve." "you can become whatever you aspire to become". -Bhagavad Gita

Friday, March 9, 2007

How Harmony can Strong our Health?

"It's bid thee strength thy underliying spirit"
Each individual taken as evolvin soul ,in an evolving earth.Each individual carries within itself different levels body(physical),the emotion and energy(vital) and mind.

Health will be stronged when harmony at all these levels are maintained.
Disequillibrium brings disease.

Our body is as complicated as universe and it has it own uniqueness especially Human body.
Principle is our body is the intrument of darkness.Don't give up your hope!
At the same it has the ability to achieve any it like .This opportunity not given to any other living being.

Generally 1 out of 1000 disease need treatment for which we need treatment . Rest are all not aceppted as diseases even though when the mind start to aquire Fear-conflicts-osscillation-doubts are the core entrance for the desease to our body.This can be stopped by becoming a concious being.Imagination of Light in your body where the disease cause can cure the rest of the deseases.
"Each dawn open into a larger light"
As well, You must know the importance of the your presence in this universe ?
or awareness will reveal you to open your closed ingnorant eye.

"Rediscovering our deeper selfs
health as harmony and the discovery of the psychic"
-soul principle
How many days we say excuses to ourself by not taking food in the morning during the rush hour to our office,school,etc...

An illness of the body is always the outer expression and translation of a disorder .In other side this not acceptable thing taken into a good way.Disharmony in the inner being allow illness at the same time it ives a chance to progress to find the lackness of our own concious "Can we say that as Ignorance"
" Keep your H-E-A-L-T-H fit or find your I-G-N-O-R-A-N-C-E"
We see some more interesting topics. Steps to take care of our Health and this blog has message for you it would like to sing a song for you silently and say something about this blog author (very interesting)...
look for it !

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